
The Virtual Journal on QCD Matter is a weekly digest of preprints and publications in the field of hot and dense QCD Matter, the Quark-Gluon-Plasma and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. It is not intended to be a comprehensive collection or review of all new articles published in the field, but rather reflects the current views and interestests of the moderators of what they consider to be an important development in the field of hot & dense QCD Matter.

This Virtual Journal is first and foremost intended as a resource for graduate students and junior postdocs to guide them towards a bigger picture view of the field. It does not, however, replace the careful and regular study of preprint servers and scientific journals.

All articles of the Virtual Journal are copyright by their respective authors (named in the header or in the post) – for citation purposes please use the URL for the respective post.

Note also that the Virtual Journal has a starting date and any scientific work published prior to that date will at most be posted/discussed in the most fragmentary and incomplete fashion.

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